Thursday, September 22, 2011

This is life

I had written a post a couple hours ago about how hard the last week had been in the sleep and crankiness department, but I have decided that was just not something I needed to leave out there in blogland. Not really the topic you'd want to read about, ya know? Ask me how you can pray for me, and I will gladly fill you in about my need for God's grace in this parenting thing.

Anyway, it led to another thought that was a little less hostile and that is that days like I've had today are just life sometimes with a little one at home. And that it's ok. It's ok that today Emily didn't want to sleep more than 20 minutes at naptime when I was too tired to get up off the couch after I'd only been sitting 5 of those 20 minutes.It's ok that I had to cry about the short nap and confess my selfishness to the Lord. It's ok that I have 3 clean loads of laundry strewn around my house un-ironed (at least they are clean). It's ok that the dishes are piled up, the floors are also covered with toys, I haven't eaten well myself today (pretzels and chocolate have been my mainstay on the run). It's ok that a 4:20am cry out woke mommy up enough for the rest of the morning, a 5:50 wake up for Emily, and a 20 minute nap might sabatoge our plans for a super rare night out with friends at 6:00 tonight. There are going to be days like this many times over, and I need to surrender to the fact that life with a little one (at least with my little one who doesn't know there's a schedule in my mind I'd absolutely love for her to follow) just going to be this way for awhile.

Do you have times when you think, "Wow, here we go. This is life whether I am ready for it or not today"?

Here is my favorite song right now by Aaron Shust- every time I hear it on the radio I am like, "YES! AMEN! My hope is in you, Lord!"  One of the best lines is "I wait for You and my soul finds rest, in my selfishness you show me grace." Enjoy a moment of worship in your day- whatever life has brought you today.


  1. Oh, my dear friend!! I am so sorry to hear that the brutal sting of life hit you so hard this week! You are right, and it all seems to come crushing down at the same time! What a great perspective you have though..."It's ok..." because despite how we feel, it really is OK. Your child is cared for and healthy. Your home, even though it may seem like a disaster to you, is still livable. The clothes are clean and can still be worn. All those looming chores will wait on you. When I'm too tired to do anything else, I shut the girls & I in the playroom; they play while I lay on the bed & shut my eyes for a bit. There will be many off days, but hang in does get better and less frequent! I pray that the Lord will grant you a good dose of peace & rest this week! Email me & let me know what else I can be praying for, K. Love you!

  2. Have you been spying on me this week? Cause I've had a couple of these days too. Thank you for modeling peace in a hard moment, it is an encouragement to me!
