Saturday, January 21, 2012

The week's highlights

Just so I can remember here on this online scrapbook of mine :-).... Emily measured 35 inches tall and 23.5 lbs at her 18 month appt. Crazy!!! She is over 100% for height and is 45% for weight. And her head circumference inched forward a bit to finally be 25% instead of the 10-15% it had been the first 15 months.

Praise God that all the fluid drained from her ears after the ear infection, so I no longer have to worry about that leading to tubes or causing hearing difficulties.

Cutest thing of the week? Emily wants all her dolls and animals to experience her normal routines. So many of them have "gone to the potty", sat in her booster seat, played in the (dry) bath tub, laid down in her crib with a blanket over them, and been rocked in her rocker. Love it!! Had no idea imitative or imaginative play would begin at this age.

Funniest / grossest thing of the week? We had the inevitable poo smearing party in the crib today! And luckily this mama had made a quick trip back to the grocery for one item I forgot this daddy discovered the disaster zone! He said she had pants and diaper off, and it was all over her and the bed. After a thorough bath and lots of laundry, both of them survived. Hehehe. 

Second grossest event of the week? Emily and I flushed an upstairs potty after her doll pretended to go potty. Thankfully the bowl was clean, but something had apparently clogged the drain earlier, so all the water came flooding up! I started yelling "uh oh! uh oh!!" and Greg came running upstairs. We were throwing towels down on the floor to keep the water from making it to the carpeted hallway. Then as he was trying to get the water shut off on the toilet, I heard rushing water downstairs, too! Another flood of "uh oh!!" and I wisked Emily downstairs with me only to see water pouring out of the light fixture in the laundry room. At least that floor is linoleum! Luckily a plumber was able to come that night and fix it all and we amazingly had no water damage to the sheetrock or flooring. Phew! Not a fun night!

1 comment:

  1. Funny stories. Sounds like you guys were kept on your toes with all the messes. I have had the toilet thing happen to me before and it is not fun. Glad the plumper was able to get things fixed.
    Take care!
